
Art by Alex Allen; photo Michelle Smith-Lewis; hair and makeup Gina Bettelli

Out March 15, 2024 on Strange Moon Records

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On her second album Lookout, Eaton regularly makes pressure-testing trips from the vast cosmos down to the particular details of home in the Pacific Northwest. In her words, “It’s a behemoth.” From the ever-expanding space of jazz cymbals, flute, and harp, down to the folksy pluck of her banjo — a prized recent acquisition — and the grounding chords of her great-great-great grandmother's piano, which shipped up the Missouri River to the family homestead in Montana. - Ian Shuler

Cedar is composer-vocalist-pianist-producer-singer-songwriter Kaley Lane Eaton’s debut album, an electro-chamber pop song cycle that is equal parts origin story and manifesto. Written in the dead of lockdown and the west coast wildfire crisis of 2020, cedar ties the loss of mother, to the loss of societal intuition, to the loss of beloved landscape that we collectively face. Eaton’s orientation in both art song and ambient IDM, intertwined with the virtuosity of Seattle’s best neo-jazz and classical improvisers, captures a distinct Pacific Northwestern aesthetic: tuneful beauty, solitude, and destructive noise. BUY


Album art by Alex Allen

Electronic improvisations, recorded and released each day for the first month of the COVID-19 pandemic.